On Miracle Ground XI:
International Lawrence Durrell Conference
Durrell on Corfu
Corfu, Greece, 2-7 July, 2000
The sessions take place at the lonian Cultural Center at Faliraki (hereafter, Faliraki); the Corfu Reading Society; the Corfu Chamber of Commerce; and the Old Fortress. See site map. Specials
Two films will be running all week in the Faliraki: "Durrell's Alexandria Then and Now," by Eman EI-Karmouty, University of Alexandria, Egypt and "Lawrence Durrell: A Smile in the Mind's Eye," a 1998 BBC production. Also a Silent Auction of Durrell-related books, on display at the Reading Society, will be in progress throughout the week. Bidding closes 9:15 am Friday. SUNDAY, 2 JULY 4:30 - 6:15 pm Registration (Faliraki, 2nd floor)
An information desk will be located here throughout the Conference. Announcements and changes will be posted as necessary. 6:30 pm "Seferis & Durrell: The Story of a Friendship" (Reading Society)
Grand Opening, with David Roessel, Washington, DC, USA
This exhibition from the Gennadius Library of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens includes rare materials from the George Seferis Archive: letters to and from Durrell and Henry Miller, manuscripts, and other original documents. This is a real treasure we are privileged to inaugurate. 7:30 pm Welcoming Ceremony & Reception (Boscetto, The Palace Garden)
Reception generously sponsored by Chrysanthos Sarlis, Mayor of Corfu MONDAY, 3 JULY Day Coordinators Lawrence B. Gamache (Faliraki) and Susan S. MacNiven (Reading Society) 8:30-9:45 am Concurrent Sessions Prospero's Cell (Reading Society)
Moderator Roger J. Porter, Reed College, USA
Marth Minford Meas, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA: "Durrell: Bowing to the Goddess of Echo"
Hilary Whitton Paipeti, The Corfiot, Corfu: "Durrell's Erection: Source Materials for Prospero's Cell"
H.R. Stoneback, SUNY New Paltz, USA: "Prospero's Cell: A Meditation on Place" The Mediterranean World (Faliraki)
Moderator Brewster Chamberlin, Holocaust Memorial Museum, USA
Jane Eblen Keller, University of Baltimore, USA: "Durrell's Ode to the Olive"
Beatrice Battaglia, University of Bologna, Italy: "Mediterranean Images in Durrell's Fiction"
Marie Elise Jean, Lyons, France: "Durrell's Provence: Facts and Feelings" 9:45-10:15 am Break 10:15-11:30 am Concurrent Sessions Travel Writing (Reading Society)
Moderator Julius R. Raper, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA
Joe Bratcher III, New York, NY, USA: "A Home of His Own: Creation of Place in Durrell's Travel Writing"
Angela Cecere, University of Bari, Italy:."The Role of Greece in Durrell's Greek Trilogy"
Frank Kersnowski, Trinity University, USA:"In the Wake of Durrell: A Cycladean Carousel" Fairy Tales, Myth & Madness (Faliraki)
Moderator James R. Nichols, Georgia Southern University, USA
Pauline Beard, Pacific University, USA: "'Something Harder'-the Discovery of Self through Greece, Fable, and Fairy Tale"
Jessica Fure, University of Baltimore, USA: "The White Rabbit's Guide to the Quartet: Alexandria through a Looking-Glass"
John Maynard, New York University, USA: "Two Mad-Dog Englishmen in the Corfu Sun: Edward Lear and Durrell" 11:30 am-Noon Break Noon-1:30 pm Plenary Session (Old Fortress) A Gathering of Poets: Readings & Performances
Moderator David Radavich, Eastern Illinois University, USA
Zoe D'Ay, Townsville, Queensland, Australia: Three poems by Rae Enever
David Radavich: Three poems
White Mice Contest III results announced
Penelope Durrell-Hope, Whitney-on-Wye, Hereford, UK, introducing:
Derrek Hines, Manaccan, Cornwall, UK: "The Angel's Portion"
J.A. Sparrow Stoneback, New Paltz, NY, and H.R. Stoneback, SUNY New Paltz, USA: "At the Cafe Millennium with Aldington, Durrell, Faulkner, Fitzgerald & Hemingway" Afternoon free 6:00-7:00 pm Greece through its Wines (Reading Society)
Introduced by Hilary Whitton Paipeti, The Corflot, Corfu, Greece
Nico Manessis, Geneva, Switzerland, author of The Greek Wine Guide, will describe the extraordinary wines of the region. Tastings provided. 9:00-10:30 pm "Karaghiosis & Alexander the Great": Shadow Puppet Theatre (Boscetto, The Palace Garden)
Introduced by David Roessel, Washington, DC
Presented by Eugenios Spatharis, Spatharis Museum of Shadow Theatre, Maroussi, Greece
"On this little dazzling screen you have the whole laic mystery of Greece" (Prospero's Cell).
English presentation; in Greek Tuesday evening. TUESDAY, 4 JULY Day Coordinators Paul H. Lorenz (Faliraki) and James R. Nichols (Reading Society) 8:30-9:45 am Concurrent Sessions The Alexandria Ouartet: Settings & Structure (Reading Society)
Moderator Zeinab Raafat, University of Alexandria, Egypt
Eman EI-Karmouty, University of Alexandria, Egypt: "Pharaonic Frescoes of Light and Darkness"
Beatrice Skordili, Syracuse University, USA: "The Case of the Missing Green Fingerstall: Durrell's Quasi-Relativistic Poetics"
Linda Stump Rashidi, Mansfield University, USA: "Beyond Mere Words: Duality, Reality, and Grammatical Structure in Balthazar" Islomania: Cyprus & Sicily (Faliraki)
Moderator Frank Kersnowski, Trinity University, USA
Giuseppina Semola, University of Cyprus, Nicosia: "Cyprus, Italy, and the Mediterranean: A Carousel in the Memory of Durrell"
Vangelis Calotychos, New York University, USA: "Durrell, the Bitterest Lemon?: Cyps and Brits Loving Each Other to Death in Cyprus, 1956"
Petra Tournay, Cyprus College, Nicosia: "Colonial Encounters: Bitter Lemons" 9:45-10:05 am Break (Note its brevity.) 10:05-11:20 am Concurrent Sessions International Perspectives (Reading Society)
Moderator Richard Pine, Dublin, Ireland
Mike Diboll, London, UK: "The Quartet in its Arabic Translation"
Miho Shimada, Kyoto, Japan: "My Acceptance of Durrell as a Japanese"
Fawzia El'Sadr, Am Shams University, Egypt: "The Multicultural Self and the Other: Durrell's Method of Binding Cultures" Philosophical Reflections (Faliraki)
Moderator Norman Bradford, Goucher College, USA
Lawrence B. Gamache, University of Ottawa, Canada: "Durrell and the 'Uncertainty Principle'"
James Gifford, Abergrove, BC, Canada: "The Search to Know and Colonize Death in Monsieur: Reflections of Rank and Anticipations of Becker in the Quintet"
John M. Rose, Goucher College, USA: "Multiple Truths and Multiple Narratives: Nietzsche's Perspectivalism and the Narrative Structure of the Quartet" 11:20-11:40 am Break (Note its brevity.) 11:40 am-12:55 pm Plenary Session (Old Fortress) Margaret Durrell, Bournemouth, UK: "Memories & Adventures," a Conversation with Susan S. and Ian S. MacNiven The Lawrence Durrell Prize announced 1:15 pm Bus tour or Caique to Kalami
See the materials provided by Charitos Travel. 9:00-10:30 pm "Karaghiosis & the Little Lena Park": Shadow Puppet Theatre in Greek (Boscetto, The Palace Garden) WEDNESDAY, 5 JULY Day Coordinators Jane Eblen Keller (Faliraki) and Lyn Goldman (Reading Society) 8:30-9:45 am Concurrent Sessions Dramatic Encounters: Sappho & Faustus (Reading Society)
Moderator Michael Cartwright, Chadron State College, USA
Konstantinos Bouras, University of Paris III, France: "Durrell's Sappho: A Modern Tragedy?"
Nabil Abdel-Al, United Nations, USA: "Servant/Master Relationships in Marlowe's Dr. Faustus vs. Durrell's Irish Faustus"
Marta Sofia Lopez, University of Leon, Spain: "Durrell's Sappho: A Sappho of His Own" The Avignon Quintet (Faliraki)
Moderator Anne R. Zahlan, Eastern Illinois University, USA
Donald P. Kaczvinsky, Louisiana Tech University, USA: "Constance, the Cogito, and Durrell's Feminist Critique in the Quinx"
Corinne Alexandre-Garner, University of Paris X-Nanterre, France: "The Figure of Medusa in the Last Fiction"
Paul H. Lorenz, University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff, USA: "From Pub Story to the Story of Civilization: The Evolution of Durrell's Egypt" 9:45-10:15 am Break 10:15-11:30 am Concurrent Sessions Workpoints on Editing Durrell: A Discussion (Reading Society)
Moderator Carol Peirce, University of Baltimore, USA
Michael Cartwright, Chadron State College, USA: On completed Proceedings
Shelly Ekhtiar, SUNY Oswego, USA: On Proceedings in progress
Virginia Kirby-Smith Carruthers, University of Baltimore, USA: On Abstracts and Deus Loci
Susan S. MacNiven, SUNY Maritime College, USA: On The Herald and bibliographies
Ian S. MacNiven, SUNY Maritime College, USA: On correspondence The Alexandria Ouartet: Time & Space (Faliraki)
Moderator Richard A. Hood, Denison University, USA
Mona Sallam, Academy of Arts, Egypt: "The Egyptian Alexandria in the Eye of the Beholder: The Encounter of Cultures"
Maria Dahlgren, University of Vigo, Spain: "The Quartet: Durrell's Narrators and the Space-Time Continuum"
Mona H. Mones, University of Cairo, Egypt: "Alexandria as Presented in Durrell, Naguib Mahfouz, and Ibrahim Abdel-Meguid" 11:30 am-Noon Break Noon-1:15 pm Concurrent Sessions Psychological Woundings (Reading Society)
Moderator Shelly Ekhtiar, SUNY Oswego, USA
Jean L. Bradford, Goucher College, USA: "The Multiplicity of Selves through the Lens of Archetypal Psychology"
Khani Begum, Bowling Green State University, USA: "Dismembered Bodies in the Quartet: Maiming and Deformity as Artistic Process"
Susan Vander Closter, Rhode Island School of Design, USA: "Body Parts: A Reading of Tunc and Nunquam" Greek Connections (Reading Society A)
Moderator Beatrice Aaronson, University of South Carolina, USA
Helen Wussow, Brooklyn College, USA: "'Symbol Married to the Object Prime': Mythos and Absence in Sappho"
Mercedes Prieto, Polytechnic University of Madrid, Spain: "Durrell and Jeanette Winterson's Postmodernist Visions on Sappho: Similarities and Differences"
Jeannine Boukhris, University of Paris X - Nanterre, France: "Durrell's Lifelong Friendships and Love of Greece" Biographies & Places (Faliraki)
Moderator Lawrence B. Gamache, University of Ottawa, Canada
Dan Popescu, University of Oradea, Romania: "Becoming Ithaca: In Between the Enchanted Island and the Continent"
James M. Decker, Olive-Harvey College, USA, and Finn Jensen, University of Copenhagen, Denmark: "The Journey Beyond Time: On Henry Miller and Greece"
Jennifer L. Leonard, Cambridge, Mass., USA: "Foreign Born" Afternoon free 5:30-7:00 pm Durrell in the Classroom: A Discussion (Chamber of Commerce)
Moderator Charles L. Sligh, University of Virginia, USA
Julius R. Raper, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA: "Thirty-nine Years with Durrell"
Anne R. Zahlan, Eastern Illinois University, USA: "Quincunxial Pedagogy: Collaborative Readings of the Quintet"
Richard A. Hood, Denison University, USA: "Teaching the Quartet to Undergraduates"
Donald P Kaczvinsky, Louisiana Tech University, USA: "Teaching Tunc/Nunquam for Modernist and Postmodernist Courses"
Carol Peirce, University of Baltimore, USA: "The Fabulous Path: Durrell over the Years"
Note: Wine will be served during this session, courtesy of the Durrell Society 7:15 pm Durrell & the Greek World (Chamber of Commerce)
Moderator Panos Karagiorgos, Ionian University, Greece
Panos Karagiorgos: "Some Unpublished Letters of Durrell to Marie Aspioti"
John Leatham, Athens, Greece: "Durrell on Rhodes"
Penelope Tremayne, Wadebridge, Cornwall, UK: "Durrell on Cyprus"
Byron Raizis, University of Athens, Greece: "Durrell and the Greek Poets" THURSDAY, 6 JULY Day Coordinators Michael Cartwright (Faliraki) and Virginia Kirby-Smith Carruthers (Reading Society) 8:30-9:45 am Concurrent Sessions Friends & Family (Reading Society)
Moderator Susan S. MacNiven, SUNY Maritime College, USA
David Stephen Calonne, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA: "Durrell and Constant Zarian: A Literary Friendship"
William Leigh, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA: "Durrell and Theodore Stephanides"
Ian S. MacNiven, SUNY Maritime College, USA: "The Literary Craft of Gerald Durrell" Contradictions & Conundrums (Faliraki)
Moderator Gerald L. Vincent, Cortez, Colorado, USA
Emmanuel D. Hatzakis, Philadelphia, Pa., USA: "Pope Joan and Παπισσα Ιωαννα"
(If what you see on screen above is not two Greek words, then you must be using Netscape. Try the page in Internet Explorer.)
Sally Spencer, Gympie, Queensland, Australia: "A Portrait of Cyprus"
David Roessel, Washington, DC, USA: "A Reading from Kostas Montis's Closed Doors" 9:45-10:05 am Break 10:05-11:20 am Concurrent Sessions Peccadilloes & Personalities (Reading Society)
Moderator Paul H. Lorenz, University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff, USA
Julius R. Raper, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA: "Constructing the Feminine: Elemental Figures in Durrell's Pied Piper of Lovers"
Anna Lillios, University of Central Florida, USA: "Portraits of the Artists as Young Men: Urfe and Darley as Antisocial Characters"
Patrick J. Quinn, University College North-ampton, UK: "More than a Fascination with the Divine Marquis: Fowles's Magus and Durrell's Quartet" The Alexandria Ouartet: Poetry & Love (Faliraki)
Moderator Lyn Goldman, Regina, Sask., Canada
Jack F. Stewart, University of British Columbia, Canada: "Soundscapes and Cityscapes in the Quartet"
Anthony Hirst, Princeton University, USA: "'The old poet of the city': Cavafy in Darley's Alexandria"
James R. Nichols, Georgia Southern University, USA: "The Loneliness of Love" 11:20-11:40 am Break (Note its brevity.) 11:40 am - 12:55 pm Plenary Session (Old Fortress) Nanos Valaoritis, San Francisco State University, USA, and Lefkas, Greece: "Remembering the Poets: Translating Seferis with Durrell and Bernard Spencer"
Introduced by Avi Sharon, New York, NY 1:15 pm Bus tour or Caique to Kalami
See the materials provided by Charitos Travel.
At the White House in Kalami, Vassilis Katsaros, Mayor of Kassiopi, will unveil a plaque honoring Durrell and naming a street for him. FRIDAY, 7 JULY Day Coordinators Susan Vander Closter (Faliraki) and Ian S. MacNiven (Reading Society) 8:30-9:00 am Durrell Society Business Meeting (Faliraki)
Presiding Anna Lillios, University of Central Florida, USA, President, International Lawrence Durrell Society.
All Conference participants are welcome. 9:00-9:15 am Break 9:15-10:30 am Concurrent Sessions Associations & Connections (Reading Society)
Moderator Jane Eblen Keller, University of Baltimore, USA
Carla Comellini, University of Trieste, Italy: "Durrell and D.H. Lawrence's Legacy"
Beatrice Aaronson, University of South Carolina, USA: "Baudelaire-Durrell: A Palette of Scents"
Matthew Escobar, Princeton University, USA: "Writing as 'Proxy War': Narrative Strata and Free Will in Gide and Durrell" Landscapes & Cityscapes (Reading Society A)
Moderator Jack F. Stewart, University of British Columbia, Canada
Isabelle Keller, University of Toulouse-le-Mirail, France: "A Portrait of Durrellian Cities: The Anamorphic Blurring of Cityscapes"
Dimitra Papazoglou, American College of Greece, Athens: "Durrell's Greek Islomania"
Robin Visel, Furman University, USA, and Yorgos Papatheodorou, Spartanburg, SC, USA: "The Quartet and Drifting Cities: Modernism and Politics in Wartime Egypt" Poems & Enigmas (Faliraki)
Moderator Mary Ann Larkin, Washington, DC, USA
Virginia Kirby-Smith Carruthers, University of Baltimore, USA: "Durrell's Enigmatic Hamlet: Mysteries of Image and Allusion"
Richard Pine, Dublin, Ireland: "A Poem in Greek by Durrell, 1947"
Michael Meraklis, University of Athens, Greece: "'At the Outskirts of Kyrenia': A Second Reading" (In Greek with English translation) 10:30-11:00 am Break Note: Silent Auction winning bidders should pick up books at the Reading Society 11:00 am-12:15 pm Plenary Session (Faliraki) In Performance: Bromo Bombastes
Moderator Anna Lillios, University of Central Florida, USA
Stuart E. Omans, University of Central Florida, and Maurice J. O'Sullivan, Rollins College, USA
A rollicking (and participatory) workshop demonstration of Durrell's early comic play 12:15-12:30pm Break 12:30-1:30 pm Plenary Session (Faliraki) An Open Discussion
Edmund Keeley, Princeton University, USA
Carol Peirce, University of Baltimore, USA
Patrick J. Quinn, University College, Northampton, UK Afternoon free 7:45 pm Banquet & Entertainment
(Tripa's Taverna)
Master of Ceremonies James R. Nichols,Georgia Southern University, USA Note: Those who signed up for the banquet should board buses at the Old Fortress.