International Lawrence Durrell Society

Deus Loci

Mutatis mutandis Gods, Ghosts, Englishmen Cycles, Places, Alchemies
Myth, Music, Love blue dot Poetry, Fiction, Drama blue dot Gnostics, Romans, Gypsies
Paris, Provence, Africa blue dot Labyrinths, Mysteries, Miracles
Biography, Bibliography, Reviews blue dot Criticism, Assessment, Analysis
Legacies, Celebrations, Dedications

The New Lawrence Durrell Journal, Deus Loci.


Deus Loci: Logo

blue dot  The Lawrence Durrell Journal  blue dot


DEUS LOCI: THE LAWRENCE DURRELL JOURNAL invites submissions of original scholarly articles on the life and work of Lawrence Durrell and his circles, including Henry Miller, Anais Nin, Gerald Durrell, Richard Aldington, George Seferis, Keith Douglas, Bernard Spencer, Olivia Manning, etc. All critical approaches are welcome, including gender, historical, textual, biographical, and source studies; as well as gender-based, multicultural, ecocritical, and other post-structuralist methods.

In addition, submissions of short fiction and poetry--in the spirit of LD and/or the Mediterranean--are also invited.

Please submit two hard copies and one Word copy of critical article manuscripts in MLA style. Short fiction manuscripts, also submitted in two hard copies and one Word copy, should be no more than twenty double-spaced pages in length. Deadline for next issue is July 15, 2008.

Please send submissions and correspondence related to other editorial issues and subscriptions to

Dr. Anna Lillios
Department of English
University of Central Florida
P.O. Box 161346
Orlando, FL 32816-1346

Subscription rates: $10.00 US per issue. Outside the United States and Canada, please add $2.00 US for surface mail or $8.00 US for air mail delivery. Back issues (#1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8) are available under the same terms as the current issue (#9). Send checks or money orders made payable to Deus Loci as per the above information.

Deus Loci Tables of Contents

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