On Miracle Ground X:
A Conference at the University of Cincinnati
The Paris of Durrell, Miller, and Nin
May 20-24, 1998
May 20, Wednesday
Registration and informal gathering in the Vernon Manor Lounge at 7:00 PM.
May 21, Thursday
University of Cincinnati
Tangeman University Center, Rooms 401 A and B
Coffee and Donuts 8:00-8:30
Session I: Miller in Paris
Room 401 A . Moderator: J. R. Raper, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Beatrice Aaronson, University of South Carolina, "Baudelaire and Miller: Sexual Squalor in Paris."
David Calonne, "Henry Miller, William Saroyan, and The Booster."
Jane Keller, University of Baltimore, "The Gamy, Grimy Paris of Henry Miller and Georges Simenon."
Holly Hofmann, St. Mary's College, "A Feminist Response to Miller's 'Misogyny.'"
Session II: Nin in Context
Room 401B . Moderator: Kathy Silvey, Claremont Graduate University
Paul Herron, Sky Blue Press, "The Paris of Her Mind: Anais Nin's Paris."
Maryanne Raphael, "Anais Nin, Therese of Lisieux, and Mother Teresa."
Diane Richard-Allerdyce, Lynn University, "Nin Considers Durrell: Friendship, Jealousy, and the Creative Process"
Rochelle Lynn Holt, "Enriching the Passage: Nin, Miller, and Durrell."
Session III: Durrell: Politics, Poetics, and Points of View
Room 401A . Moderator: Jeannine Boukhris, Lawrence Durrell Library, University of Paris X
Donald P. Kaczvinsky, Louisiana Technical University, "(Paris, May 1968): Durrell and the Political Unrest."
Beatrice Skordili, Syracuse University, "Durrell's Olives: Sign and Symbol and the Poetics of the Novel."
Earl Ingersoll, SUNY College at Brockport, "Afterthoughts about Durrell in Conversation."
Session IV: Durrell and Miller: Matisse and Fowles
401B . Moderator: Susan Vander Closter, Rhode Island School of Design
Marth Minford Meas, "The Matisse in Durrell and Miller."
J. R. Raper, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, "Durrell's Justine and Fowles's The Collector as Late Modernist Novels: Why the Postmodern?"
Session V: Miller, Durrell, and their Greek Friends
Room 401 A-B . Moderator: Ian S. MacNiven, SUNY/Maritime College
Edmund Keeley, Princeton University, "Miller, Durrell, and their Greek Friends, 1939-1947"
Lunch: President's Dining Room
Session VI: Villa Seurat Group
Rooms 401 A-B . Moderator: Vive Griffith, University of Cincinnati
Anna Lillios, University of Central Florida, "Durrell at the Villa Seurat: New Critical Perspectives."
Maria Bloshteyn, York University, "Dostoevsky and Villa Seurat: Miller, Nin, and Durrell."
Finn Jensen, University of Copenhagen, "The Villa Seurat Group-- from Death-cult to Cosmological Visions."
Session VII: The Quartet in Context
Room 401A . Moderator: Carl Mills, University of Cincinnati
Mike Diboll, University of Leicester, "Through Different Eyes: Durrell's Alexandria Quartet and Mahfouz's Cairo Trilogy."
Frank Kersnowski, Trinity University, "Alexandria, My Love: Durrell and Al-Kharrat"
Charles Sligh, University of Virginia, "'Some Beautiful Muck-Ups': Textual Variants in the British and American Editions of Durrell's Alexandria Quartet."
Session VIII: An Anais Duo
Room 401 B . Moderator: Anna Priebe, University of Cincinnati
Annelies Van Aller, Utrecht High School of Arts, "Nin and the Art of Living."
Anna J. Wukich, Duquesne University, "Anais Nin's 'Birth' and the Journey toward Truth."
Plenary Session
Rooms 401 A-B
Cigarettes at Midnight
Vernon Manor Lounge. Moderator: Cynthia Crane, University of Cincinnati
Judith Coe and Eric Daffron, Mississippi University for Women, "Cigarettes at Midnight: Gender Standards, Cultural Contexts, Prostitution, and Sainthood in the Parisian Cabaret Culture of the 1930s: The Songs of Edith Piaf and a Premiere Performance of Contemporary Cabaret Songs Based on Anais Nin's Delta of Venus."
Dinner with friends
May 22, Friday
University of Cincinnati
Tangeman University Center, Rooms 401 A and B
Coffee and donuts (8:00-8:30)
Session IX: The Third Musketeer
Room 401 A . Moderator: Gregory Dickson
Susan S. and Ian S. MacNiven , SUNY/Maritime College, "What Are We Going to Do about Alf? The Career and Fiction of the Third Musketeer, Alfred Perles."
Candace Fertile, Camosun College, "Lawrence Durrell, Henry Miller, and Alfred Perles: Culture and Creativity."
Session X: Certain Theories
Room 401 B . Moderator: Anne Zahlan, Eastern Illinois University
James R. Nichols, Georgia Southern University, "Deconstructing Durrell, or Waylaid by the Best of Intentions."
Matthew Escobar, University of Paris III, "Narration, Fictional Universe, and Identity in Monsieur."
B. S. Jamuna, Dept. of English, University College, Thiruvananthapuram, India, "Creating Artifacts: Durrell's 'Thought-Fox': An Oriental Perspective."
Session XI: Paris in the 1930s.
Room 401 A-B . Moderator: Lyn Goldman
Brewster Chamberlin, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, "Paris in the 1930s."
Session XII: Place and Space at the Villa Seurat
Room 401 A-B . Moderator: Candace Fertile, Camosun College
James M. Decker, Olive-Harvey College, "'Bellyaching about Form': The Villa Seurat Circle and the Poetics of Space."
Carol Peirce, University of Baltimore, "Crossed Journeys: Durrell's and Miller's Responses to Spirit of Place in Paris and Greece."
Wayne Markert, Hollins College, "Durrell's Spaces: Transformation of Place in Durrell's Novels and Travel Writing."
Lunch: President's Dining Room
Session XIII
Room 401 A-B . Brassai: Slide Show and Discussion
Beatrice Aaronson, University of South Carolina
Session XIV
Room 401 A-B . Moderator: James Nichols, Georgia Southern University
Roger Jackson, Publisher, Literary Works, "Henry Miller"
Session XV: Aspects of Henry
401 A . Moderator: Carol Peirce, University of Baltimore
Amy Flaxman, Institute for Advanced Thinking, "New Anatomies."
John G. Watters, University of Lille III, "Food and Waiting in Tropic of Cancer."
Ron and Joanne Humphrey, Cuyahoga Community College, Cleveland, Ohio, "Henry and Emil"
Session XVI: Anais Herself
Room 401 B. Moderator: Danielle Tarachanowicz
Victoria Amador, Western New Mexico University, "Anais Nin and Paris Couture of the 1930s."
Mai Al-Nakib, Brown University, "A Secret Proliferation: Anais Nin's Diary as Deleuzian Rhizome."
Barbra Natividad-Blum, DePaul University, "Being and Nothingness: The Sugar Daddy of Anais Nin."
Session XVII: Meeting of The International Lawrence Durrell Society
Presiding: Carol Peirce, University of Baltimore
Conference Dinner at the Vernon Manor
Cash bar
May 23, Saturday
University of Cincinnati
Old Chemistry, Room 525
(Break away room: Old Chem 601)
Session XVIII: Young Larry
Room 525 Moderator: Ian S. MacNiven, SUNY/Maritime College
Paul Lorenz, University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff, "Beyond the Ego? The Wordsworthian Poet in Pied Piper of Lovers."
Dianne Vipond, California State University, Long Beach, "The Black Book: Lawrence Durrell's Critique of Colonialism."
Shelley Cox, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, "Durrell's 'The Magnetic Mountain': A Recently Recovered Manuscript from the 30s."
Session XIX: Pomes penyeach
Room 525 Moderator: Anna Lillios, University of Central Florida
David Radavich, Eastern Illinois University, "Egyptian Days" (poems).
Peter Christensen, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, "Durrell and Seferis: Poet/Novelists."
Session XX: The Psychic Hinterland of Durrell, Miller, and Nin
Room 525 . Moderator: W. L. Godshalk, University of Cincinnati
Richard Pine, "The New Continent--the Psychic Hinterland of Durrell, Miller, and Nin."
Lunch at an off-campus restaurant of your choice.
Session XXI: Other Expatriates in Paris
Room 525 Moderator: Amy Elder, University of Cincinnati
Pauline Beard, Pacific University, "Djuna and Jean: In between time in the Paris of the 30s."
Madeline Merlini, "Down and Out in Paris and Utopia: Yevgeny Zamyatin."
Christy S. Sanford, "Ocean Crossing: Nancy Cunard (The Heuristic Method and the World Wide Web)."
Joe W. Bratcher III, Host Publications and City College of New York, "David Gascoyne, Lawrence Durrell, and Surrealism: Paris 1930-1940."
Plenary Session: General Discussion