The White Mice Poetry Contest
"No, you should have picked one from a poem
Being written softly with a brush-
The breathless ideogram for love we writers hunt."
-Lawrence Durrell, "A Bowl of Roses"
A Call for Poems on ISLANDS
First Prize: $100. Second Prize: $50. Honorable Mentions: Publication.
The winning poems will be published in Deus Loci:, the journal of the International Lawrence Durrell Society.
Deadline: October 1, 2013. Submit one to three poems, all previously unpublished (and not to be published during the course of the contest), and a brief biography. All poems will be considered for publication.
Poems may be submitted electronically to poetry editor as an MS Word or RichText attachment or by mail to the address below. Poems must be submitted without any identification; include name, address, phone number, and e-mail address in an accompanying e-mail or letter. Manuscripts will not be returned.
Send entries (and checks payable to Deus Loci if you choose not to use PayPal) to:
Deus Loci White Mice Poetry Contest
David Radavich
6216 Glenridge Road
Charlotte, NC 28211
"Words I carry in my pocket,
where they breed like white mice."
-Lawrence Durrell to Henry Miller